Board Member |
Board Member Background |
Bill Morris |
Bill is from Alexandria, Virginia and grew up playing recreational soccer. Bill served in the US Navy before reviving his soccer interest when becoming a parent. Bill coached all five of his children at various ages and levels of their careers and continues to coach after his children have grown up. Bill began coaching in the HOSA recreational program in 1989 and has coached Hilliard club level teams and JV teams at Hilliard Davidson high school. Bill has a USSF National D license and numerous NSCAA regional, state, goalkeeping and special topics diplomas. Bill brings both soccer experience and management experience to his role as a HOSA board member. Bill’s professional experience as an Ohio Registered Architect helps to oversee fields and facilities usage as well as acquisition and development for HOSA.
Lisa George |
Lisa grew up in downtown Hilliard, Ohio. She never played soccer growing up, but with having 2 soccer loving boys Gunnar and Colt, it quickly took over their lives! Lisa began her adventure with HOSA as a "Soccer Mom," but that changed shortly after. She began coaching when her boys were 4 and 6 for the Recreation league and Academy program. She expanded her roll within the club quickly. She works for Hilliard City Schools, but during soccer season, spends 7 days a week at the soccer fields. Lisa is the Director and Head Coach of the (special needs) TOPSoccer Program, and Head Coach for a LFC competitive team.
Tony Hunt Treasurer |
Tony grew up and lived in West Virginia all of his life until he moved to Hilliard in 2014. He grew up playing many organized sports including soccer up to High School. Tony and his wife Alicia have a stepson Bryce who has been involved in HOSA for the last three years and a daughter Norah. Tony served many roles including president and treasurer of the board of Big Brothers Big Sisters in West Virginia before moving to Ohio. His professional background is in sales and marketing. Tony enjoys community involvement and being active in Hilliard as many ways as possible. |
Ed Merritt Board Member
Ed grew up just down the road in Grove City, Ohio, and sports played a huge role in his childhood. He received his undergraduate degree in Recreation Administration at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) while lettering 4 years on the Falcon football team. From Bowling Green, he moved to Kettering, Ohio, where he helped run the Kettering Recreation Complex and Kettering Ice Arena, while completing his Master of Public Administration at University of Dayton (UD). He returned home in 2008 and worked nine years for the City of Grove City, overseeing Recreation and Special Events. After leaving Grove City, he spent two years with the Village of Obetz, where he helped develop their Parks and Recreation Department and build The Fortess – a large multi-purpose sports and entertainment complex. Ed has been in his current role as Director of Recreation and Parks for the City of Hilliard since 2018. In this position, he serves on the HOSA board as the City liaison. Ed and his wife, Tiffany, have three sons who are active in soccer, football, baseball, basketball, and lacrosse. He is excited to strengthen the relationship with all of Hilliard’s youth sports organizations, including HOSA! |
Ray Studer |
Ray grew up in rural Crawford County, Ohio and did not have the opportunity to play organized soccer in his youth. However, he learned the true athleticism and stamina of soccer players while playing soccer in preseason football conditioning in high school. This respect deepened in his college years while playing pick-up soccer games with international students on the fields of The Ohio State University. Ray, his wife and three daughter have been residents of Hilliard since 1991 and he coached several seasons in the HOSA Recreational League. Ray is a practicing attorney having retired after approximately 35 years from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. He is currently providing legal services for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. |
HOSA Board Meetings for 2023:
January 8
February 19
March 12
April 16
May 14
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 10